6 squares white chocolate for baking
2 sticks of butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
4 eggs
3 T orange zest (CONFESSION: I skip this and add just a dash more orange juice with pulp, since zesting has never really worked for me)
3 T orange juice
2 c flour
2 t baking powder
1-1/2 c fresh or frozen cranberries

Chop the chocolate. Beat together butter, brown sugar, and sugar until fluffy. Add the eggs, orange juice and zest, and mix well. Add the flour and baking powder, then stir in the chocolate and cranberries. Bake in a bundt pan at 350 for 1 hour.

Melt together 3 squares of white chocolate and 2T of orange juice over low heat. stir, drizzle over cake, and enjoy. It's best if you wait until the cake is COMPLETELY cool.