 1 stick butter or equivalent healthy alternative
4 1/2 cups fresh cut corn
1 can Rotel tomatoes (regular, or spicy if you dare)**
1 cup fine chopped yellow onions
1/4 cup finely chopped bell pepper
2 cups heavy whipping cream (or fat free 1/2 & 1/2)
2 pods fine chopped garlic
1/4 cup fine chopped green onion
1 Tbsp sugar, or 1 packet sweetener
1 tsp Tabasco
Sea salt, black pepper and parsley to taste

**If you don't have Rotel, you can used canned or fresh diced tomatoes spruced up with Tabasco or cayenne for spice.

In heavy 4-quart pot, melt butter over medium heat. Add in corn and cook while stirring for about five minutes. Slowly add in can of Rotel, regular onions and peppers. Increase heat a bit and keep stirring. Add in garlic, seasonings, sugar/substitute and Tabasco.

After about 30 minutes, add in cream and cook about 10 more minutes. Keep stirring and make sure ingredients aren't sticking to bottom of pot. Add in green onions and parsley and stir. Cover with lid and turn heat off.