Ingredients :
1 c. brown sugar (light or dark)
1/4 # butter
2 bananas
2 oz. banana liquor
1 oz. rum
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon or 1 cinnamon stick

1 oz. Rum (if it is to be flambéed)
Vanilla ice cream

Cook the sugar and butter for about 5 minutes. Add bananas, simmer another 2 minutes, add cinnamon, vanilla flavoring, banana liquor and 1 oz. rum, simmer another 2 minutes. If flambéing, pull the sauté pan back and super heat the front edge of the pan, add another 1 oz rum with a jigger,(do not pour out of the bottle!!) and light with a long match, or roll the flame over the edge of the pan if using gas, jiggling the sauté pan will increase the flame. Serve over vanilla ice cream.